Headshots are a staple of any personal brand photography session. Why? They create a deep sense of connection and recognition with you as an individual. Headshots allow your ideal audience to see you up close and let your personality shine! You can use your headshot poses in your portfolio, for your social media pages, and (especially) your website! Here are our top 5 all-time favorite headshot poses at The Branding Babe.
1. The Power Pose (hands on hips)

Place your hands on your hips and stand head-on towards the camera or twist your torso to the side (so your elbow faces the camera) and give us your most powerful look. This can be a bright, vibrant smile, or an engaging smirk. Whatever fits your personality!
2. The Chin Prop (hand under chin)

Lean your elbow against a surface (a table, chair arm, your leg) and prop your hand under your chin, then make eye contact with the camera. This makes for a great close-up!
3. The Relaxed Queen (arms folded over legs)

Sit down, cross your legs, lean forward, and rest one arm over the other (crossed at your forearms or wrists). Show us your best smile!
4. Serious Business (arms folded)

Stand tall, fold your arms, and give the camera your fiercest look.
5. The Face Embrace (both hands caressing face)

Sitting down in front of a table, rest both elbows against the surface, and prop both hands under your chin (framing your face). A big laugh looks excellent with this pose!
Which of our top five headshot poses is your favorite? Will you try one of these the next time you get your professional photos taken? Let us know in the comments! Click HERE to explore more headshot poses and see more from our client galleries!